Spago BI
It is the only platform Business Intelligence 100 % Open Source, covers and satisfies all requirements of BI, both in terms of analysis and data management, administration and security. Stratebi is the first and only certified partner in Spain.
The analytical world offers solutions for reporting, multidimensional analysis (OLAP), data mining (Data Mining), dashboards (Dashboard) and ad-hoc queries. Add original for managing collaborative processes and analysis of geo-reference.
SpagoBI is an integration platform (and not a product platform), since it is not built around a predefined set of tools. It has a modular structure in which all modules are related to the core system, ensuring the harmony of the platform along with their evolving capacities.
Technical Features Big Data

SpagoBI is the only Business Intelligence suite 100 % Open Source. It covers all areas of project analysis of Business Intelligence, with totally innovative tools. SpagoBI offers a wide range of tools:
Create custom reports and export to the most appropriate format (HTML, PDF, XLS, XML, TXT, CSV, RTF).
Multidimensional analysis (OLAP)
Explore data with different axis of analysis and different levels of detail, with drill-down operations, drill across, slice and dice, drill -through, ...
Development customizable and interactive graphics (histograms, pie charts, bar charts, scatter diagrams, line charts, buble charts, scatter charts).
SpagoBI offers a complete set of tools to create, manage, visualize KPI, through different methods, calculation rules, thresholds and alarms.
Interactive cockpits
Analysis of aggregate information in a single view, stable navigation routes, and allows data dynamically exploit its graphical manner.
Ad-hoc reporting
It allows users to create their own reports of multiple pages, including tables, crosstabs and charts.
Location Intelligence
Possibility to analyze your business data with maps and interact dynamically.
Free Inquiry
It is a core for exploration and navigation data in an intuitive and easy, thanks to a fully graphical interface and web.
Data mining
It allows to extract knowledge, discover patterns from large volumes of data to improve decision making and business strategies.
SpagoBI integrates Talend Open Studio for the creation of ETL processes (extract, transform and load data).
Create structured reports, improve the analysis with personal notes and comments posted by users. Then, share them through a collaborative workflow.
Office automation
Post your personal documents in the BI environment, integrated with office tools (MS Office or Open Office).
Masterdata management
Users can write directly to the database, adding new records or modifying existing through a user interface intuitive, which behavior can be configured using a simple configuration, using predefined models.
External processes
It has a panel to manage the processes of analysis, it can run in the background or be programmed to start and stop at a scheduled time.
Spago BI and Big Data.
It lets analyze large volumes of data with SpagoBI, optimized to allow easily extract knowledge and provide value from large volumes of heterogeneous data. According to current needs, allow SpagoBI manage data in any format, allowing its analysis, including unstructured data, such as as audio files, videos and images.
We can access different types of databases and analytical applications (such as Teradata, VectorWise, Netezza), NoSQL databases (such as Hive, HBase, Cassandra, OrientDB, MongoDB) and HDFS (Hadoop) or distributions (Hortonworks, Cloudera, Imapala)
The results can be displayed in different operating resources according to their needs, such as dashboards and real-time map, reports, ...